Transport and logistics
Transport and logistics
As a transport and logistics operator, it’s important that you deliver a high-quality service, on time, no matter what the circumstances. We can help you to implement the right systems, policies, procedures and controls to build an efficient, reliable and safe international logistics network. And you can gain a reputation as a reliable business partner. We can also help you minimize your environmental impacts, improve your energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in areas such as your building infrastructure, network design, fleet management and employee engagement – saving you money.
Transport and logistics-related certification:
- Introduction to ISO 22301:2012: Societal Security -Business Continuity Management Systems – Requirements
Incidents can disrupt an organization at any time and applying ISO 22301 will ensure that organizations can respond and continue its operations. Incidents take many forms ranging from large scale natural disasters and acts of terror to technology-related accidents and environmental incidents. However, most incidents are small but can have a significant impact and that makes business continuity management relevant at all times.
This has led to a global awareness that organizations in the public and private sectors must know how to prepare for and respond to unexpected and disruptive incidents.
ISO 22301 provides a framework to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a business continuity management system (BCMS). It is expected to help organizations protect against, prepare for, respond to, and recover when disruptive incidents arise.
- What is ISO 22301:2012
ISO 22301:2012, Societal security – Business continuity management systems – will help organizations, regardless of their size, location or activity, to be better prepared and more confident to handle disruption of any type.
- Why ISO 22031:2012
Protection of society from, and in response to, incidents, emergencies and disasters caused by intentional and unintentional human acts, natural hazards and technical failures.
- What benefits it brings to business:
- Becomes a tool to the management to define processes critical to the organization
- Enables to react to major incidents and to establish remedial measures
- Minimizes loss caused by disruptions, break-downs of critical processes throughout the supply chain
- Allows competitive advantages by improving new customers
- Results in improved confidence among interested parties
- Applicable to which type of industry:
All organizations irrespective of type, size and nature. The extent of application of the standard requirements depends on the organization’s operating environment and complexity.
Introduction to ISO 9001:2015-Quality Management System.
Most organizations face challenges when developing a quality management system. These challenges are potentially greater due to:
- Availability of resources;
- Costs involved in setting up and maintaining a quality management system;
- Difficulty in understanding and applying a quality management system, especially concepts such as organizational context, organizational knowledge, process approach and risk-based thinking.
1.What is a quality management system?
A quality management system (QMS) is the way an organization directs and controls its activities that are related to achieving its intended results.
Broadly, it consists of organization’s structure together with the planning, processes, resources and documented information that is used to achieve quality objectives (such as for meeting customers’ and relevant interested parties’ requirements, to improve quality management system, or to improve products and services).
Every organization will already have a management structure and on that basis its quality management system is built. Organization might be fulfilling many of its requirements included in ISO 9001, but has simply not yet organized its activities into a formal quality management system.
2.Why have one?
The adoption of a QMS is a strategic decision that helps an organization to improve its overall performance and to provide a sound basis for its sustainable development initiatives.
Many organizations implement a formal quality management system after finding that their customers want assurance that the products and services they are looking to purchase or obtain will meet their requirements for quality. Those customers are looking for the confidence that can be provided by an organization offering products and services produced under an effective quality management system, such as one conforming to ISO 9001.
A quality management system, on its own, will not necessarily lead to an improvement of work processes or to improvements of products and services. It will not solve all industry problems. It is a means for organizations to take a more systematic approach to fulfilling the organization’s objectives, which in turn should achieve such improvements.
3.What is ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement).
4.What benefits we can assure through the implementation:
- Ensure that customers get consistent, good quality of products and services, which can bring the business benefits;
- Assess the overall context of organization to define who is affected by its work and what they expect from you. This will enable you to clearly state your objectives and identify new business opportunities.
- Put your customers first, making sure you consistently meet their needs and enhance their satisfaction. This can lead to more repeat custom, new clients and increased business for your organization.
- Work in a more efficient way as all your processes will be aligned and understood by everyone in the business or organization. This increases productivity and efficiency, bringing internal costs down.
- Meet the necessary statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Expand into new markets, as some sectors and clients require ISO 9001 before doing business.
- Identify and address the risks associated with your organization.
5.This standard is applicable to:
Any legal dealing with sectors like, Pharma, Chemicals, Food Processing, Iron and Steel, Construction, Automotive, Aerospace, Granite, and Service organizations like Trading Houses, Banks, Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres, Insurance, Educational Institutions, Government Agencies, NGOs, etc. are eligible to implement and get certified.
1.Introduction to ISO 14001:2015-Environment Management System.
Awareness of environmental problems is growing in most countries and it is believed that current development patterns cannot be sustained in the long term. Governments are increasingly enacting legislation aimed at protecting the environment, and customers are requiring their suppliers to incorporate best practices and demonstrate compliance with environmental requirements.
2. What is ISO 14001:2015
This standard sets out the criteria for an environmental management system. It provides a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system.
It can be used by any organization regardless its activity or sector.
This standard can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.
3. Why to have ISO 14001:2015
- Meet the company’s legal requirements and environmental impact.
- Keeping the measurable objectives and targets to reduce environmental impact and be in legal compliance.
- Gaining the support for an EMS from the company’s leadership.
- Communicating and sharing the objectives, targets and results with both the internal and external stakeholders.
4. Benefits of ISO 14001:2015
Organizations and companies find that using the standard helps them to:
- Improved control and management of emissions, effluents and wastes;
- avoidance and safe handling of hazardous or potentially polluting materials;
- reduction in generated wastes;
- energy efficiency improvements and cost savings;
- conservation of natural resources, including water, land and precious minerals;
- a comprehensive approach to satisfying legal and other requirements;
- operational efficiency and cost savings;
- pursuing environmental initiatives that are aligned with business priorities.
- increased profitability, better access to markets and improved relationships with stakeholders (e.g. customers, regulators, investors, insurers, neighbours).
5. Standard applicable to
Organizations of all kinds which are concerned with achieving and demonstrating sound environmental management system, performance by controlling the impacts of their activities, products and services on the environment, which include manufacturing like Cement, Steel, Pharma, Chemical, Food Processing etc., and service industries likes Construction, ETP service providers and Software service providers.
1.Introduction to ISO 45001-Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Health and safety in the workplace are the number one concern of most businesses, yet still deaths and injuries occur. ISO 45001 sets the minimum standard of practice to protect employees worldwide.
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are currently more than 2.78 million deaths a year as a result of occupational accidents or work-related diseases, in addition to 374 million non-fatal injuries and illnesses. Aside from the enormous impact on families and communities, the cost to business and economies is significant.
2.What is ISO 45001?
ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, is the world’s first International Standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S). It provides a framework to increase safety, reduce workplace risks and enhance health and well-being at work, enabling an organization to proactively improve its OH&S performance.
3.Why Implement ISO 45001?
- Makes a safe place to work.
- reduced number of incidents,
- employee absenteeism,
- employee turnover,
- reduced downtime and reductions in insurance premiums.
4.What benefits it brings to organizations?
- Key potential benefits from use of the standard include:
- Reduction of workplace incidents
- Reduced absenteeism and staff turnover, leading to increased productivity
- Reduced cost of insurance premiums
- Creation of a health and safety culture, whereby employees are encouraged to take an active role in their own OH&S
- Reinforced leadership commitment to proactively improve OH&S performance
- Ability to meet legal and regulatory requirements
- Enhanced reputation
- Improved staff morale
5.Applicable to:
Manufacturing such as Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Hospitals, Steel, Cement, Construction, Glass, Bakery, Paper and service industry like IT, ITeS.
6.How can Smartedge help to get started?
- Gap Analysis: Assessment of existing management system practices against the selected standard requirements.
- Project Plan: Prepare a implementation project plan based on the time lines looking for;
- Orientation Training: Top/Senior Management orientation on selected standard requirements and implementation action plans preparation;
- Developing different levels of documentation ( Tier 1-3/4): Identification of processes required for the products produced and services provided; External and internal issues affecting the business, interested parties needs and expectations, Framing draft quality policy, organizational objectives, role, responsibility and authority, various risks affecting and opportunities arises, functional and system procedures, different implementation formats and checklists;
- System Implementation: Implementation of the selected management system as per the developed documentation;
- Company-wide Training: Training on detailed clause wise requirements and relating them to their departments and Internal audit.
- Internal Audits: Periodic assessment of system implementation and corrective actions.
- Pre assessment: Initial audit by Certifying agency, and, implementation of corrective actions.
- Final Assessment: Certification audit by the Certifying agency and recommendation for certification.
Transport and logistics-related certification
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management
An ISO 22301 business continuity system will help you to not only make sure you can continue to deliver on time no matter the circumstances, but allow you to reassure clients of your ability to maintain service delivery levels.
ISO 9001 Quality Management
An ISO 9001 quality management system will help you to continually monitor and manage quality across your entire organization. As the world’s most widely recognized quality management standard, it outlines ways to achieve, as well as benchmark, consistent performance and service.
ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management
An ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management system will help you identify and manage your road related risks. It allows you to implement the appropriate controls to not only achieve your road traffic safety objectives but contribute to reducing the incidence of death and serious injuries on our roads. Find out more about ISO 39001 certification
ISO 14001 Environmental Management
An ISO 14001 Environmental Management System will help your business remain commercially successful without overlooking your environmental responsibilities. Show your commitment to minimizing your impact on the environment with the world’s most recognized environmental standard.