1.Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment, Health & Safety and Energy)/
Quality, Environment, Information Security)/Quality, Environment, Health & Safety and Food Safety) etc.,)
1.Introduction to Integrated Management System
The number of management systems has risen dramatically in recent years, reflecting the needs and demands of more and more organizations looking to improve their performance across a wide range of areas and sectors. And most companies have more than one, hence to integrating management system standards – whether they be from ISO or not – has just been updated.
From improving quality to energy efficiency, environmental performance or even occupational health and safety, the use of management systems has grown rapidly in recent years, reflecting increasingly complex operating environments and contexts. The quest for continual improvement and sustained performance has prompted the need to help organizations through effective management system design that is agile and integrated, to respond and grow.
Many organizations benefit from multiple management systems to help them ensure their systems and processes are in line with their objectives and help them maintain their business model through ever-changing environments.
2.What is IMS-Integrated Management System;
An integrated management system is a management system that integrates all of an organization’s systems and processes in to one complete framework, thus enabling an organization to work as a single unit with unified objectives.
3.Why Integrated Management System – IMS
- Be consistent within the organization.
- Improve internal and external communication.
- Avoid duplication and gain cost savings.
- Expose conflicting objectives.
- Identify and rationalise conflicting responsibilities and relationships.
- Gain a structured balance of authority/power.
- Focus organization onto business goals.
- Create a formalisation of informal systems.
- Harmonise and optimise practices.
- Identify and facilitate staff training and development.
4. What are the benefits it brings to business:
- Business Perspective
- Improve Efficiency & Effectiveness
- Reduce Costs & Manage Risk
- Reduce Audit Time
- Maximize Resource Utilization
- Develop a System Approach
- Demonstrate Linkage to Business, etc.
Which management system standards can be integrated
- ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management)
- ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management)
- ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management)
- ISO 50001:2018-Energy Management
- ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security Management )
- ISO 22000:2018 (Food Safety Management)
- ISO 20000:2011 (IT Service Management)
5. Whom IMS is applicable:
IMS can be implemented in all Manufacturing like Quality, Environment, Health & Safety and Energy etc,) Quality, Food Safety and Environment, for Medical Devices, Quality, Medical device Quality and Health and Safety, Service industry like Quality, Information Security & IT service etc,
I.1ntroduction to SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and investment analysts scrutinize organizations to assess that minimum standards are upheld in the workplace and ensure that workers are getting a fair deal.
2.What is SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability?
NGOs, investment analysts and other stakeholders, including your employees, are increasingly evaluating your organization’s commitment to ensuring a fair and equitable working environment and transparent business practices.
This climate means that your organization will be called upon more and more to demonstrate its social responsibility.
The most widely recognized global standard for managing human rights in the workplace is Social Accountability International’s SA 8000:2014. It is an auditable standard, suitable for organizations of all sizes anywhere in the world, and provides a framework for assuring all of your stakeholders that social accountability is being stewarded by your management.
3.Why SA 8000:2014- Social Accountability:
- To comply with local and customer legal and regulatory requirements;
- To demonstrate that no Child Labour and Forced Labour is engaged;
- Provide a safe and healthy work environment;
- Respect the Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining;
- No discrimination based on race, caste, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union or political affiliation, or age; no sexual harassment
- No corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse
- Comply with the applicable law but, in any event, no more than 48 hours per week with at least one day off for every seven day period; voluntary overtime paid at a premium rate and not to exceed 12 hours per week on a regular basis;
- Wages paid for a standard work week must meet the legal and industry standards.
4.What benefits SA 8000 brings to business:
- Enhanced opportunities to organise trade unions & bargain collectively.
- A tool to educate workers about core labour right.
- Less chance of accidents, better work environment leads to building of trust between workers & management.
- Increased stability of the jobs to the workers
- Enhanced company & brand reputation through adherence to this standard.
- Improved staff morale & creation of a more committed work force.
- Better relationship with the unions & other stakeholder.
- Increased productivity due to employee’s loyalty,commitment, lower overhead costs and lower production costs per piece.
5.Whom SA 8000:2014 is applicable :
- Companies seeking independence in verifying their social record.
- Companies seeking independence in verifying their own social record and that of their contractors.
- Contractors that produce goods for U.S. and European companies and wish to demonstrate to companies and consumers that they are treating workers fairly
- Development or multilateral organizations seeking to ensure that they procure from companies that are not exploitative
- SA8000 is a voluntary standard for social compliance based on the UN Declaration of human rights, national labor laws and international human rights norms.
- Many major retailers now accept international third-party audit frameworks like SA8000, rather than requiring suppliers to apply their own customized framework.
- Walmart and Disney accept SA8000 audit results for their social compliance programs.
1.Introduction to BIFMA –Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers
BIFMA is the not-for-profit trade association for business and institutional furniture manufacturers. Since 1973, BIFMA’s role has been to sponsor the development and refining of current and future standards, educate on their importance and application, and translate their necessary complexity into more easily understood and implemented formats. It also monitor the state of the industry, serve as a forum for member cooperation and collaboration, interact with international counterparts, and advocate for regulatory conditions that foster value and innovation.
2.What is BIFMA:
BIFMA – Business and Institutional Furnitures Manufacturers Association is an organisation which develops standards for institutional / office furniture. BIFMA was founded in 1973. BIFMA’s standards are recognised worldwide & these standards has been accepted & implemented by most of furniture gaints
Now BIFMA certification is accepted as parameter of furniture quality & safety worldwide.
To evaluate the safety, durability and structural suitability of general purpose office furniture
4.What benefits BIFMA brings to business:
- Sustainability and social responsibility.
- Durability and strength.
- Recyclability and recycled content.
- Chemical content and emissions.
- Overall quality.
- Flammability and electrical components.
5.BIFMA certification is applicable to:
Institutional and commercial furniture industry
1.Introduction to ISO 55001- Asset management — Management systems — Requirements
Nearly every organization needs or wants to achieve more with its assets. Not only how to minimize downtime or lost production, but also how to spend money well to deliver value for the purpose of the organization.
In the last few years, many companies have begun to realize the importance of asset management as an enterprise strategy that, properly implemented, will improve financial performance. Typical results of an asset management system include improved control of day-to-day activities and business efficiencies, reduction of risk-related costs, compliance in regulatory activities and reduced failure rates. The tangible results include a significant increase in profitability accompanied by a dramatic drop in unit cost.
2.What is ISO 55001
- Manage the lifecycle of assets more effectively;
- Better control over daily activities;
- Achieve higher return with their assets;
- Reduce the total cost of risk.
3.Why ISO 55001
- To meet the stakeholder, business and legal requirements;
- For saving money and time;
- More utilization while delivering added value to the business.
- Proper handling of processes and risks;
- Improve performance of the company.
4.What benefits it brings to business:
- Development of viable and predictable cash flows
- Ability to manage asset’s lifecycle
- Ability to ensure that assets fulfill their necessary function
- Increase profitability
- Manage risk related to asset ownership
- Enhance brand reputation
5.ISO 55001 is applicable to:
All organizational structures of companies, and to all types of assets of Corporate and healthcare, to manufacturing, mining, and oil and gas.
1 .Introduction to ISO 41001:2018-Facility management — Management systems — Requirements with guidance for use.
In today’s dynamic environment, facility managers face tough tasks on a day-to-day basis. Some of these problems arise from simple, day-to-day operations, while others are a result of changing technologies, company mergers & their policies and other lingering problems. Following are few issues faced by facility managers:
- Saving money: To save costs, facility managers often need to find the lowest cost provider.
- Extending the life of assets: Facility manager needs to maintain disciplined maintenance procedures to closely monitor the expenses incurred with maintenance programs of big-ticket items/ capital equipment’s like HVAC installation, captive power plant, etc.
- Do more with less: Facility managers are expected to do timely orchestration amongst men, machines and materials in order to serve the organisation 24/7 throughout the year.
- Compliance: It is a daunting task for facility managers to do everything to ensure that the statutory & regulatory compliances are met. Apart from compliances, many times facility managers need to make changes without reliable data to facilitate the change management within the organisation.
2.What is ISO 41001:2018?
ISO 41001:2018 specifies the requirements for a facility management (FM) system when an organization:
- a) needs to demonstrate effective and efficient delivery of FM that supports the objectives of the demand organization;
- b) aims to consistently meet the needs of interested parties and applicable requirements;
- c) aims to be sustainable in a globally-competitive environment.
The requirements specified in ISO 41001:2018 are non-sector specific and intended to be applicable to all organizations, or parts thereof, whether public or private sector, and regardless of the type, size and nature of the organization or geographical location.
3.Why ISO 41001:2018
- It integrates people, place and process within the built environment, with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people and the productivity of the core business.
- To organise security, maintaining the lifts and, possibly, hiring/firing the caterers;
- Flexible working, office spaces are now calculated on multiple workers per desk.
4.What benefits it bring to business?
- Improve your marketability and sales pitch.
Grow profitability, improve productivity, - Reduce business risks,
- Grow competitiveness and let the demand organisations focus efforts on their core business
- Competitive advantage.
Workforce productivity, safety and health improvement - Providing cost benefits to organisations and offering service consistency and SLA compliance.
5.Whom ISO 41001 is applicable?
We cover both hard facility management and soft facility management.
Hard Facility Management covers the entire space & infrastructure. This refers to the physical built environment with focus on (work-) space and (building-) infrastructure (such as planning, design, workplace, construction, lease, occupancy, maintenance and furniture).
- Hard facility management relates to the physical part of the building and cannot be removed. These are ‘the essentials,’ and ensure the safety and well-being of staff.
- Majority of hard services are required by law and include provisions such as:
- Heating
- Lighting
- Plumbing
- Fire safety systems
- Air conditioning
- Preventative building maintenance or building improvements
- Electro-mechanical maintenance
- Soft Facility Management covers the people & organisation. This is related to work psychology and occupational physiology (such as catering, cleaning, Information Communication Technology, Human Resource, accounting, marketing, hospitality)
- Soft Facility Management are services that are directly used by the staff and can make the workplace more safe or delightful. They are usually not compulsory and can be removed or added at any time.
- A few examples of soft services are:
- Building security
- Cleaning
- Aesthetics (decor or landscaping, etc.)
- Mail management
- Catering
- Office moves/ relocation
- Office etiquette/ decorum
1.Introduction to ISO 28000
Getting goods across borders usually involves demonstrating conformity to local or international standards or regulations, which is why conformity assessment activities such as testing and certification are inextricably linked. They prove that the goods are what they claim to be. Implementing ISO 28000 further value by offering an independent assessment of the organizations that do the testing, to demonstrate they are impartial, competent and consistent.
2.What is ISO 28000?
ISO 28000 is an international standard which addresses the requirements of a Security Management System (SMS) for the supply chain. It specifies the aspects to help the organization to assess security threats and to manage them as they arise in their supply chain. Security Management is related to other aspects of business management.
3.Why is Supply Chain Security Management System important for you?
- Demonstrate that you are an asset to your organization and that you are a trustworthy expert;
- Ensures the sufficient management and control of security and threats, coming from logistical operations and supply chain partners;
- Gain visibility in the market;
- To improve their profitability and quality.
4.Benefits of ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System
- Global recognition
- Competitive advantage in the market
- Enhanced reliability
- Enhanced customer satisfaction
- Opportunity to gain new businesses
- The ability to control and manage threats within an organization
5.Whom IS 28000 is applicable:
All sizes of organizations, from small to multinational, in manufacturing, service, storage or transportation at any stage of the production or supply chain.